msm cleaning

Challenge #26: Surface clean a bedroom or the bathroom(s) or you can vacuum and/or sweep the floors in the house

I can’t believe there are only a few more days left in this challenge! I have really loved the motivation not only to clean but to blog daily about something :).

I wasn’t sure which task I wanted to chose for today, but then Benjamin decided to give himself an oatmeal shower at breakfast this morning (not unlike any other morning really, but this time it happened to involve peanut butter), so there was definitely a bath in his future. So while the little guy was having a good old time in the tub, I decided to take advantage of my mandatory lifeguard duty and clean the bathroom at the same time. I can’t say that it was super dirty or anything, but I hadn’t been keeping up with my daily wipe down either. This challenge has really forced me to keep the floors cleaner (woohoo!), so this ended up being super easy. I just sprayed everything down, scrubbed out the toilet, wiped up the dust/hair on the floor and cleaned the mirror. And that was it! Done before bath time was over :).


Bathroom – BEFORE


Bathroom – AFTER

I also spent a few minutes sweeping the kitchen/dining room tile and putting away some clothes that ended up on the couch.

Now I get to spend the rest of the day enjoying the beautiful weather and playing with Benjamin. I can’t think of a better way to kick off the weekend :).

Which project did you choose today? Are you happy or sad that the challenge is almost over??