msm cleaning

Day 4 Challenge: Choose your own adventure!

So Crystal gave us 3 options to do today:

1. Surface Clean the Living Room and Kitchen

2. Clean a Bathroom

3. Clean Your Interior Windows

Since I already did the first two things on the list this week…and I generally avoid cleaning windows as long as possible…I decided to stay true to myself and avoid the windows 🙂 . Instead I decided to tackle cleaning out the fridge.  Since my monthly food budget reset this week (always an exciting week!), I did some bulk shopping and filled the fridge…but unfortunately neglected to clear out and clean up the fridge before filling it up again. So here goes!









I got rid of a few expired sauces, condiments, etc. I’m always impressed at how much better looking and more efficient use of space I can manage in the fridge simply by rearranging stuff. I also sliced up and froze some avocados that were on their way south (there are few things more disappointing in life than cutting in to an avocado and finding it WAY over ripe –boo!). I like to use them in our lunch time smoothies for some added creaminess and good fat –mmmm…now I want a smoothie!

I also made a DELICIOUS  Healthier Chocolate Brownie Cake , a recipe that I snagged from Tiffany over at Don’t Waste the Crumbs! (a great blog for anyone just getting started on their real food journey — like me!). And I got a crock pot soup going using a ham bone that’s been in my freezer for the past 2 months — Today has felt very productive! 🙂


And I just wanted to add a quick pic of Benjamin…he was such a good boy today 🙂

Did you have a productive day?